American Legion Baseball

Since 1925, American Legion Baseball has contributed to the development of good sportsmanship and good citizenship while providing wholesome recreation for the nation’s youth.

The history of American Legion Baseball has proved that American youths receive on the baseball diamond a thorough understanding of sportsmanship, teamwork, and good citizenship – valued traits for America’s future leaders.

Department of Iowa

American Legion Baseball in the Department of Iowa is divided into two categories, Senior and Junior.

Attention Baseball Coaches and Managers:

Background checks are required to participate if you are a manager, coach, assistant coach or volunteer. Go to Averity Background Checks, click on The American Legion of Iowa and follow the links for baseball. Fill out the form completely and click ‘submit’.

For more information or questions, contact

2025 Department Legion Baseball Tournament Championship

Click here for information

Letter to Coaches & Managers

Risk Management Guidebook

State Baseball Checklist

Team & Post Application

Team Online Registration

Player Agreement Form

Emblem Release Use Form

Mandatory Background Checks

Baseball Rule Book

State Tournament Hosting Information

School Enrollment Information

Safesport - Pure Baseball Notice

TAL National Baseball Resources

Baseball Scholarship Application

Baseball Brochures

2024 Iowa Department American Legion Baseball Tournament Results