Veterans for Voting

The American Legion of Iowa proudly announces its participation in the Veterans for Voting initiative, hosted by the Iowa Secretary of State. This initiative pledges to help Veterans exercise their right to vote during the 2024 election through providing rides to the polling precincts, helping register to vote, providing information on election security in Iowa, and checking in with members to encourage voting.

Recent News & Updates

Bill Wilsbacher

The Department of Iowa regrets to announce the death of Past Department Commander Bill Wilsbacher. Commander Wilsbacher passed away Sunday, April 28, 2019. A Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:30 Friday May 3, 2019 at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Ellendale. Burial...

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Business Manager Opening

Job Opening: Business Manager The American Legion of Iowa needs an experienced account clerk to keep the financial records of the organization. The qualified candidate will have strong quantitative and interpersonal skills, as well as proficiency in basic accounting...

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2019 JSSP Results

Junior Shooting Sports Match The Department of Iowa Junior Shooting Sports Championship Match was held on March 26 at Camp Dodge. 37 competitors from seven clubs coming from all across the state registered for the match. Championship Trophies in each of the age...

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Why Join The Legion?

The American Legion is the nation’s largest and most influential veterans service organization. Made up of U.S. wartime veterans and their families, the Legion has made significant contributions to veterans and local communities.

Legion Posts

The local American Legion post is the foundation workforce of this hundred year old veteran organization. Without the hard work of members and leadership of the local post, very little would be accomplished by The American Legion locally and nationally.

Legion Programs

American Legion Programs change lives. From our Support Programs to Children and Youth, Legion Programs make an impact in the lives of those involved, thereby impacting our communities for the better. Be sure to take a look.