
The Unity Award is given to the district with the highest percentage of combined membership of the Legion, Auxiliary and the SAL on the cutoff date of November 23. This year it is awarded to 3rd District Commander Del Shepard, 3rd District Auxiliary President Stacy Bane, and the 3rd District SAL Advisor.
An American Legion watch is awarded to the district commander in 1st place in the membership standings at the cutoff date of November 23. The winner of the American Legion watch is 8th District Commander Tony Lile.
The Colflesh Trophy is presented each year to the district in 1st place on Veterans Day, November 11, and to the post within that district which has obtained the highest percentage of their growth goal on Veterans Day. This year the recipient is 8th District and Fenton Post #627.
All awards will be presented at the Mie-Winter Conference.
Full Unity Awards Results can be found here.
Department Membership Reports

Membership Eligibility Dates
If you have served federal active duty in the United States Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and have been honorably discharged or are still serving – you are eligible for membership in The American Legion!
Member Benefits
FREE Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy
The American Legion of Iowa offers a FREE $1000.00 AD&D policy to all our members through the Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT). However, your No Cost coverage is not automatic; you must ENROLL NOW to take advantage of this $1000.00 No Cost To You Accident Benefit! Simply call 800-235-6943 to enroll in the plan or to check your enrollment status. You may also enroll or verify your enrollment at In addition, The Legionnaire Insurance trust provides other insurance plans for members to purchase.
Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT)
The non-profit Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) offers participating American Legion members the opportunity to obtain high-quality Department endorsed insurance products at rates that reflect the massive group buying power of the Legion Departments.
Visit for more information on products and services offered by the Legionnaire Insurance Trust.
Show Legionnaires in your Post the valuable, economical insurance products available to them through the Legionnaire Insurance Trust! It’s easy!
VA Benefit Assistance
Each American Legion Post has access to a fully accredited Service Officer to help you and your family obtain the full VA benefits to which you are entitled.
Employees of the Department Service Office have a thorough knowledge of VA regulations and instructions, and are familiar with the broad spectrum of VA programs and operations. The Service office is responsible for providing assistance and representation in any claim for VA benefits.
Veteran Representation
The Legion maintains a fully staffed office in Washington, DC to represent you in Congress on all legislation concerning veterans and their families. The Department of Iowa also has a Legislative Commission to monitor legislation in Iowa.
Monthly Magazine and Bi-monthly Newspaper
You’ll receive a full year’s subscription to The American Legion Magazine and The Iowa Legionnaire. Each issue is packed with news, articles, and stories designed for America’s veterans.
Member Benefits Partners
The American Legion offers many other discounts through our member benefits partners. CLICK HERE for more information on the following discounts:
Automobile Rental
Financial & Insurance
Moving & Relocation
Home Services
Travel & Lodging
Paid Up For Life - PUFL
Current members may now enroll in the Paid Up For Life program online or can print a personalized application and mail in their payment. Pay in full or choose 12 monthly installments.
•No more renewal notices.No more paying annual dues.
•No more worrying, “Did I renew my membership or not?”
•Join the other 200,000 PUFL Legionnaires in saying, “I believe in The American Legion and what it’s doing. I’m in this for the long haul.”
•Avoid future dues increases. No matter what inflation does, you never have to pay another penny in dues.
•Lifetime subscription to The American Legion Magazine!
Each Paid Up For Life member receives a permanent plastic card, as well as an annual paper card to verify continuing membership in The American Legion. The annual card is mailed in July of each year.
To get your Paid Up For Life membership now,click the link below and get your personalized offer.
For more information about the Paid Up For Life program, contact customer service at (800) 433-3318.
Recruiting Awards & Incentives
“I Got One” Pin
Awarded to any member who recruits at least one new member. “X” and “V” attachments are available for members who recruit five (5) and ten (10) new members. Pins are ordered by the Post Adjutant using the Membership Recruiting Pins Order Form provided by Department.
Iowa Membership Pin
Awarded to any member who recruits new members or renews current members for a combined total of ten (10). Pins are ordered by the Post Adjutant using the Membership Recruiting Pins Order Form provided by Department.
Silver Brigade
Any member who recruits twenty-five (25) to forty-nine (49) new members into The American Legion before the National May Goal date, will qualify for the award. A Silver pin and certificate will be awarded. Certification forms are available on request from the District Membership Chairmen or Department.
Gold Brigade
Any member who recruits at least fifty (50) new members before the National May Goal date, will be enrolled in the Gold Brigade. First time qualifiers receive a Gold Brigade cap pin, certificate, a Gold Brigade patch, and choice of a jacket, or sweater, or polo shirt with the Gold Brigade logo. Special recognition is given in American Legion publications and by the National Commander at the National Convention. Certification forms are available on request from District Membership Chairmen Department.
Department of Iowa Recruiter of the Year
Awarded to the Legionnaire in the Department of Iowa who recruits the most new members before the Department May Goal date. The top recruiter will be awarded a plaque with their accomplishment inscribed thereon. Certification forms are available on request from District Membership Chairmen or Department.
National Recruiter of the Year
Awarded to the Legionnaire nationally who recruits the most new members before the National May Goal date. Certification forms are available on request from District Membership Chairmen or Department.
Growth Goal Voucher
Each Legionnaire of a 100% Goal Post present at the Department of Iowa Mid-Winter Conference will receive a voucher to cover their registration fee for the conference.
Bob Kerschenske Department of Iowa Recruiter Memorial Award
Awarded to the Legionnaire who recruits the most new members thirty (30) days prior to the Department of Iowa Convention.
Commander’s Membership Sweepstakes
Awarded to the two (2) Posts that show the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership.
R.J. Laird Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of less than five hundred (500) population.
B.A. Webster Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of five hundred (500) to one thousand (1,000) population.
C.B. Robbins Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of one thousand and one (1,001) to two thousand (2,000) population.
R.A. McGinnis Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of two thousand and one (2,001) to three thousand (3,000) population.
Daniel F. Steck Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase ore their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of three thousand and one (3,001) to four thousand (4,000) population.
B.L. Halligan Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase ore their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of four thousand and one (4,001) to five thousand (5,000) population.
Ray Murphy Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase ore their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of five thousand and one (5,001) to ten thousand (10,000) population.
James F. Barton Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities of ten thousand and one (10,001) to fifty thousand (50,000) population.
Service Club of Des Moines Trophy
Awarded to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership. For Posts in communities over fifty thousand (50,000) population
Target Stars
Three (3) are awarded per Post when the Post reaches their membership goal. The Post Commander, Adjutant and Membership Chairman each receive a 100% pin.
Post Growth Award
Awarded to any Post that has had one (1) or more new members than the previous year, for ten (10) years or more, thirty (30) days prior to the Department of Iowa Convention.
Road Runner Plaque
Awarded to any Post that reaches 105% of their membership goal for a given year. Plaques are normally awarded during the District Spring Conference, but can be earned by reaching 105%, thirty (30) days prior to the Department of Iowa Convention.
Post Honor Ribbon
Awarded to any Post that reaches 100% of their membership goal by December 31st. As an example: If a Post’s 2019 membership goal is one hundred (100), they must reach 100% by December 31, 2018. Awards are made at the District Spring Conference.
All-Time High Ribbon
Awarded to any Post that exceeds their previous all-time high. Ribbons are normally awarded during the District Spring Conference but can be earned by exceeding the all-time high by thirty (30) days prior to the Department of Iowa Convention.
Certificate of Meritorious Service
Awarded to any Post that exceeds their previous all-time high by December 31st. Awards are made at the District Spring Conference.
5 Year All-Time High Award
Awarded to any Post that has achieved five (5) or more consecutive years of all-time high membership. A Post must reach an all-time high thirty (30) days prior to the Department of Iowa Convention. Award will be presented at the Department Convention.
$10 Emblem Sales Certificate
Awarded to Posts for every 3rd member added above their Target Goal. As an example: If a Post’s 2020 membership goal is one hundred (100), and they then add three (3) new members above this goal, they will receive a $10 certificate. If the Post adds four (4) members, they will still only receive one (1) $10 certificate.
Target Stars
Three (3) are awarded per County when the County reaches their membership goal.
Blue Ribbon
Awarded to each Post of a County after all Posts in the County reach goal. Ribbons are normally awarded during the District Spring Conference.
**Unless otherwise specified, deadlines for all awards above is thirty (30) days prior to the Department of Iowa Convention.
Robert W. Colflesh Trophy
Presented each year to the Post with the highest growth goal percentage, in the District in 1st place in the Department membership standings by November 11th place (Veterans Day). The Trophy will be presented at the Department Mid-Winter Conference.
Rear of the Horse Award
Awarded to the Commander of the first District to reach it’s membership goal each year. Award will be presented at the Department Convention.
Spafford Trophy
Awarded each year to the Post that shows the greatest numerical increase over their previous year’s membership thirty (30) days prior to the Department Convention. Trophy will be presented at the Department Convention.
Front of the Horse Award
Awarded to the Department Vice Commander with the highest membership goal percentage of their assigned Districts, thirty (30) days prior to the Department Convention. Examples are: If a Department Vice Commander has two (2) assigned Districts, both District goal percentages would be added together then divided by two (2). Or if a Department Vice Commander had only one assigned District, only that District’s goal percentage would be used. Award will be presented at the Department Convention.
**Unless otherwise specified, deadlines for all awards above is thirty (30) days prior to the Department of Iowa Convention.
Target Stars
Three (3) are awarded per District when the District reaches their membership goal, prior to June 30.
District Honor Ribbon
Awarded to a District exceeding their previous year’s membership by the number of Posts within the District by the Department May Goal date.
District Commander’s Award
The District Commander’s Award is presented to the district with the highest percentage of target 30 days prior to Department convention.
American Legion Gold Watches
An American Legion watch is awarded to the District Commander in 1st place in the membership standings at the Saturday before Thanksgiving. The award is announced in November and presented at the Mid-Winter Conference.
Watches are also awarded to the District Commander and Membership Chairman of the District with the highest membership goal percentage thirty (30) days prior to the Department Convention. Watches will be presented at the Department Convention. If the winning District Commander thirty (30) days prior to Department Convention is the same as the winning District Commander as of the Saturday before Thanksgiving, a second watch will only be awarded to the Membership Chairman of the District.
Unity Award
Awarded to the District with the highest combined membership goal percentage of their Legion, Auxiliary and SAL, as of the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Award will be presented at the Department Convention.
Membership & Recruiting Resources
Post Excellence Award
To qualify for the Post Excellence Award, a post is required to achieve excellence in four areas: membership, submission of the Consolidated Post Report (CPR), attaining a 90 percent renewal rate and community activity.
The purposes of this award is membership growth, exposure of American Legion values to the youth of the community, and increased visibility of the American Legion Family through service projects. A post achieving this qualification will have had numerous post members involved in planning and achieving these goals. Many posts are most likely already active in these areas and will qualify without extra effort. Others, however, will need to increase their efforts in one or more areas to qualify for the award.
The standard to be achieved in each area is as follows:
Membership: Post must attain at least 103 percent of their membership goal. At least one post officer attends district meetings.
Consolidated Post Report: CPRs must be submitted by July 1. The American Legion’s federal charter requires the submission of an annual report to Congress on activities for the year. has made it simple for a post to submit its CPR in a timely manner.
90% Renewal Rate: The post must renew at least 90 percent of their members that were on the 2020 roster.
Community Activity: The post must conduct an event that connects the local community with The American Legion post. The objective is to open your doors, welcome the community in, and educate them on what The American Legion is all about and how the post is an asset to the community. Posts do not need to have a physical building to accomplish this. This activity can be held in a park, a community center, or anywhere the post can welcome and interact with the local community.
The district commander responsible for the post will certify a post as having achieved the four specified criteria. The district commander will submit a list of posts meeting the criteria to department headquarters. That list should include the post name, phone number, address and commander’s name. If possible, accompany the last two criteria with copies of press releases submitted to the local media about the projects to show that the projects were not only accomplished but that an attempt was made to enhance the image of The American Legion through local media. The copy submitted should include a date and time stamp showing receipt by the media outlet.
The department adjutant will transmit information as posts qualify to:
The American Legion National Headquarters
Attn: Membership
P.O. Box 1055
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1055
Online Transmittals
The “Process Membership” feature in myLegion allows American Legion Post Officers to renew, add new members and transfer-in existing members from other Posts. (NOTE: Posts can only transfer-in members that dues are being paid for.) This feature utilizes electronic payment methods via myLegion and eliminates the need for Post Officers to send the National/Department portion of the (3-part) membership cards and paper-checks to the Department Headquarters office.
Electronic check (Echeck) is the only payment method available when using this feature. The account must be a valid business checking or savings account held with a US bank. Credit card payments are only accepted for foreign posts outside of the US that do not have a checking/savings account with a US bank.
Each dues payment charged for a member is the sum of the National Per Capita plus Department Per Capita in effect at the time of the transaction. National Headquarters will handle payment of the Department Per Capita back to the Department Headquarters office.