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Ask for Support of HF 909

The American Legion of Iowa’s top legislative priority for this session of the Iowa Legislature is funding for Veterans Service Organizations representing veterans with the VA claims. Please contact your representative and ask for support of House File 909 (HF 909) (formerly HSB 243).

HF 909 has passed in the House Veterans Affairs Committee and must now pass through the appropriation process.

The American Legion supports providing an annual appropriation to support the operation of the Service Offices of the nationally accredited Veterans Service Organizations (VSO). VSO Service Offices provide claims assistance to veterans seeking benefits from the Veterans Benefits Administration.

It has become more difficult for the VSOs to provide the needed level of assistance to veterans with claims for compensation from the VA due to reduced revenue of the organizations and the increasing number of claims for VA benefits. The appropriation in the form of matching grants would be used to increase the number of professional service officers supporting Iowa’s veterans and our county veterans service officers. 

VA compensation is intended to improve the quality of life for a veteran suffering from service-connected injuries and illnesses. Disabled veterans would gladly trade their service-connected compensation for return of the capabilities lost due to military service.  That return to health is not possible.  These benefits are a small measure to compensate for the damage that was done.

Increased VA compensation benefits also have an economic impact for Iowa.  While VA compensation itself is not taxable, it does result in additional funds in the Iowa economy, which later generates sales tax income and eventually income tax to the state.

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HF 909