Law Enforcement Officer of the Year

Applications Due November 30th of the Current Year
Each year, The American Legion of Iowa gives its Department Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award to a well-rounded law enforcement officer who has exceeded the duty requirements expected of his or her position and has demonstrated a distinct pattern of community service coupled with professional achievement. The award, which especially takes into account heroic acts, is presented annually at the Legion’s Department Convention. The Department of Iowa then nominates its winner for consideration for the National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. The national award is presented annually at the Legion’s National Convention.
Nominees must be U.S. citizens and living, active, full-time and paid, sworn law enforcement officers entrusted with full authority and the powers of arrest.
Nominees must be assigned to or fully recognized by municipal, county, district or state police; highway patrol; sheriff’s office or as a sworn federal law enforcement officer (FBI, Secret Service agent, U.S. Marshal, National Park Police, U.S. Capitol Police, etc.) Military police officers or investigators are eligible if they are state law enforcement certified.
Nominees must also reside and be assigned or attached for duty in the Department of Iowa.