Department Media Awards

Department Media Contest

It is the goal of the Department Media & Communications Committee to promote better communications within the Legion family and to the public. 

The committee hosts an annual Media Contest in four categories. All categories require publication between May 1st and April 30th of the following year. All categories must be a publication of The American Legion, ALA, SAL, or American Legion Riders or a joint publication of two or more of the organizations, at the Post, Unit, County, or District level. There is NO entry fee.

  1. Single Sheet (Deadline for submission: April 30)
  2. Multiple Sheet (Deadline for submission: April 30)
  3. Electronic Newsletter (e-mail) (Deadline for submission: April 30)
  4. Website/Social Media (Deadline for submission: April 30)

 All submissions, with required documentation as outlined in the entry instructions, may either be mailed or submitted electronically.

 The American Legion of Iowa
ATTN:  Department Media Awards
720 Lyon St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50309


 If entering more than one category and submitting electronically, please send one email per category and clearly identify the category in the subject line.

Basics of Judging

Categories 1, 2, 3 will be judged on content of The American Legion, ALA, SAL, American Legion Riders local, county, district, department (state) and national news, as appropriate, clear, concise and balanced writing, make-up, design, and, appearance.

Category 4 will be judged on local information, user-friendliness, the cover sheet which must contain the information listed below the site design, links, appropriateness of information, and, attractiveness.


Awards are provided by The American Legion, Department of Iowa, and awarded at Department Convention.

  1. Each category will recognize a First Place winner, and awarded an appropriate plaque, inscribed with the name of the publication and entrant.
  2. Second Place winners will receive  a certificate, inscribed with the name of the publication and entrant.
  3. All entries will receive a participation certificate.

Entry Instructions

For Categories 1 and 2, an identifying cover sheet must be submitted to include the following information, typed or printed neatly:

  1. Name, number, city of organization Post, Unit, Squadron, Chapters, (County or District), as applicable
  2. Full address of Post, Unit, Squadron, Chapter (County or District)
  3. Name of publication
  4. Category of entry
  5. Frequency of publication
  6. Average circulation number
  7. Name, mailing address, phone number of Editor
  8. Name, mailing address, phone number of entrant, if different from Editor

 For Category 3, an identifying cover sheet must be submitted to include the following information:

  1. Name, number, city of organization Post, Unit, Squadron, Chapters, (County or District), as applicable
  2. Full address of Post, Unit, Squadron, Chapter (County or District)
  3. Name of publication
  4. Category of entry
  5. Frequency of publication
  6. Average circulation number
  7. Name, mailing address, phone number of Editor
  8. Name, mailing address, phone number of entrant, if different from Editor

For Category 4, submit the electronic address for your website or social media site (limit one webiste OR social media site), along with an identifying cover sheet which includes the following information:

  1. Name, number, city of organization Post, Unit, Squadron, Chapters, (County or District), as applicable
  2. Full address of Post, Unit, Squadron, Chapter (County or District)
  3. Website address (URL) or complete Social media site and page/group name
  4. Name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address, of webmaster/admin
  5. Name, mailing address, phone number of entrant, and e-mail address, if other than webmaster/admin
Publication Style Guidelines

Publication Style Guide” Release by The American Legion

The American Legion National Headquarters just released a “Publication Style Guide”.

The style guide has been developed to assist American Legion staff and volunteers to be as consistent as possible in all written communications. The ultimate goal is for articles, press releases, social media posts, brochures, booklets and other published material to have a uniform style. It is designed to offer guidance as to established norms, and is highly recommended for use at every level of the organization.

Sections include:
• quick tips
• the use of abbreviations, acronyms and capitalization
• titles
• military terms and ranks

In most circumstances, The American Legion follows AP style, as outlined in the latest editions of The Associated Press Stylebook and Webster’s New World College Dictionary.

Legion Publication Style Guide (PDF)