by IA Legion | Mar 4, 2021 | News, Volunteers
This opening is closed Newsletter Editor Position Open – Volunteer Applicants are sought for the position of editor of the American Legion Department of Iowa electronic newsletter. This is a volunteer position requiring a person that is knowledgeable in the...
by IA Legion | Jan 15, 2021 | Legislative
Veterans Day at the Capitol will be held on Wednesday January 20, at 10:30 am as a virtual event. Legionnaires are encouraged to view the event live online at the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs Facebook page at the address below.IDVA Facebook PagePlease note...
by IA Legion | Dec 8, 2020 | Legislative
APPLICATION NOW CLOSED After each election, an active, involved Legionnaire is chosen to be the Department of Iowa’s primary contact with each of our Senators and Representatives. Those Legionnaires are selected based on two factors, the strength of their relationship...
by IA Legion | Nov 21, 2020 | ALA, National Vice Commander, NVC Tour, SAL, Unity Awards
Membership Rally Held Virtually – Winners Announced The Past District Commander’s Membership Rally was held Saturday, November 21, 2020. The virtual rally which was based out of Department Headquarters announced the contest winners for the District...
by IA Legion | Nov 2, 2020 | Virtual Meetings
This section is specifically addressing virtual and electronic meetings according to Roberts Rules of Order. Powered By EmbedPress