Legion Act Passes Senate

Legion Act Passes Senate By unanimous consent on June 11 legislation expanding eligibility for membership in The American Legion passed the United States Senate. The legislation, S. 504, would open eligibility to anyone who served honorably after December 7, 1941 or...

LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium – One Year Free LinkedIn is a business and employment-oriented service used mainly for professional networking. LinkedIn is now offering veterans and VA caregivers a free 1-year Premium Subscription including one year of access to LinkedIn...

Mental Health

Mental Health Initiative An American Legion national online mental health survey released last week is revealing some staggering information about veterans and their caregivers nationwide. Hundreds have responded so far, but many more are needed so The American Legion...

2019 Memorial Day

The True Meaning of Memorial Day To veterans and their families nation-wide, Memorial Day is a day to remember all who died in active duty service. It is not, as it is to millions that look forward to, a three day weekend with a day off and many social functions and...